Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Agenda Item 18


Subject:        Sussex Police & Crime Panel Referral to Sussex HOSCs: Policing and Mental Health


Date of meeting:    18 October 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Giles Rossington

                                    Tel: 01273 295514



Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release


1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         In May 2023, the Chair of the Sussex Police & Crime Panel (PCP) wrote to the Chairs of the three Sussex HOSCs to bring to their attention issues relating to mental health and policing.


1.2         Subsequently, the Chair of Brighton & Hove HOSC asked Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT) for more information. In response, SPFT offered to present on this issue at a HOSC meeting. East Sussex HOSC and West Sussex HASC are pursuing this matter separately.


1.3         The letter from the PCP is included as Appendix 1 to this report; and a PCP report on policing and mental health in Sussex is included as Appendix 2.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That Committee notes the contents of this report and the presentation from SPFT.


3.            Context and background information


3.1         The Sussex Police & Crime Panel (PCP) scrutinises the actions of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner. The PCP comprises elected members from upper and lower tier local authorities across Sussex plus some additional independent appointees. In January 2023 the PCP received a report on the role of the Police & Crime Commissioner in ensuring that Sussex Police provide an effective response to mental health (see Appendix 2). The report included evidence that a disproportionate amount of police time was being spent providing care and support for people with mental health problems, to the detriment of other elements of policing.


3.2         The PCP agreed that the PCP Chair would write to the CEO of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT), Dr Jane Padmore, detailing the PCP’s concerns. Dr Padmore responded to this letter, acknowledging that this was an issue, and outlining some of the measures being undertaken to address the problem. The PCP has no remit to hold NHS trusts to account, so in May 2023 the PCP Chair wrote to the Chairs of Brighton & Hove HOSC, East Sussex HOSC, and West Sussex HASC to alert them to the issue and to propose that they monitor the implementation of SPFT and health and care system improvement measures (see Appendix 1).


3.3         In response, the Brighton & Hove HOSC Chair invited SPFT to attend a HOSC meeting to update members on the issue and on improvement planning. East Sussex HOSC and West Sussex HASC will each separately respond to the PCP request.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         None for this information report.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1      None for this information report.



6.            Conclusion


6.1         Members are asked to note information provided by SPFT in their presentation to the committee.


7.            Financial implications


7.1       Not relevant to this information report.



8.            Legal implications


8.1       There are no legal implications to this report.


Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert     Date consulted: 21/09/23


9.            Equalities implications



9.1    None for this information report.



10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      None for this information report.






Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices


1.            Letter from the Sussex Police & Crime Panel Chair to Sussex HOSC Chairs

2.            Police & Crime Panel report on policing and mental health in Sussex

3.         Presentation slides from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust